Stage Door Players Theatre
The purpose of Stage Door Players is to foster the education and entertainment of its members and members of the community in dramatic literature and spoken drama; to encourage and develop community interest in all forms of the theatrical arts; to provide methods and opportunities for its members to study the dramatic arts and cultural literature; and to produce, present and conduct plays and performances.
Stage Door Theater is located in downtown White Cloud and is an intimate venue for the community theater group Stage Door Players. This summer:
- August 30/31 and September 6/7 – ‘Bull in a China Shop.”
Phone: 231-689-5437
Venue Details
Location: 1147 Wilcox, White Cloud, MI 49349
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 23, Fremont, MI 49412
Phone: 231-245-3505

Theatre Features
Stage Door Players currently presents at least four annual plays, publishes a regular newsletter for its members, and annually provides a free educational program that is available to the general public.
The members are active in community events such as White Cloud Homecoming Days, Fremont Baby Food Festival and other local community events or activities concerned with the arts as well as M-DOT Highway Cleanup.
In addition to its regular play season, Stage Door provides other entertainment such as radio shows, and it’s recently implemented Improv usually on the 3rd Friday of the month. Public welcome to come join the fun.