MCCCT White Cloud Trail
ORV in Newaygo County has grown in popularity over the past 5 years as the DNR and other organizations have worked hard to provide quality trails for ORV 4 and 2 wheel vehicles. Some of the best trails that Newaygo has to offer are:
Michigan Cross Country Cycle Trail (MCCCT) – Newaygo Co.
The Michigan Cross Country Cycle Trail (MCCCT) is over 750 miles long and located on roads and trails throughout Michigan’s Lower Peninsula and is part of a 3,100+ mile off road trail system which spans both State and Federal lands.
WHITE CLOUD LOOP: Approximately 15 miles of the White Cloud segment of the MCCCT
The trail traverses flat to rolling hills and goes through areas ranging from heavily forested with oak, maple and pine with a shrub, grass and fern understory to open meadows. There are several bridge crossings along the route.
The trails have been widened to accommodate unlicensed ATVs. (50” max. width) Park at the trailhead on M-20 and head north. MCCCT – Motorcycle only trail: Approximately 26 miles of both single and two-track. Come out and enjoy the motocross park. Kids welcome with adult supervision.
At several locations, the trail crosses and, in a few cases, utilizes short segments of Forest, County, and State Highways, so attention to safety signing is important. It connects with the segment on the Baldwin District. The northern parking area is on the Newaygo/ Lake County line on 18 Mile Rd.
Trail Details
Distance: 16 miles, connected to trail system of over 50 miles
Challenge Level: Moderate
Activities: ORV/ATV, Motorcycles

Site Feature
Big Air Motocross
Big Air Motocross is one of Michigan’s premiere motocross tracks. Located in Newaygo, they feature motocross adventure for all ages and skill levels. The main track features natural hills and great terrain, while the “Little Air” youth track is geared towards the younger crowd. Learn more at: Big Air Motocross