Coolbough Creeks
Visitors have the chance to explore ponds and wetlands, hike through white pine and white oak forest, search for butterflies and wildflowers on prairie and barrens remnants, and listen to the bubbling waters of Bigelow and Coolbough Creeks.
For more information on Coolbough Creeks go to their website:
Trail Details
Distance: 14+
Challenge Level: Moderate
Activities: Hiking, Hunting, Fishing, Horseback Riding

Trail Features
Designated Horse Trail
The blue trail on the east side of Coolbough Creek is open for hiking and horseback riding. This trail offers views of the East Pond, West Pond and adjoining cattail marshes, as well as some of the prairie and old homestead remnants on the far east side. This trail also goes through white pine forest along the north side of the ponds and wetland, and through a mixed forest type on the south side of the wetland.
Diverse Plant Habitat
The diversity of habitats is one of the features of the Coolbough Natural Areas that makes any visit an interesting trip. Significant natural features, including habitat for rare and endangered species, are managed with the assistance of The Nature Conservancy and other environmental partners. Look for the following plant species on your hike:
- Prairie smoke
- Wild lupine
- Sand coreopsis
- Blazing stars
- Black-eyed susan
- Prickly pear cactus
- Big and little bluestem grasses
- Various species of sedges and ferns