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Stories from the Lake
Feel the ADRENALINE… with the world’s heaviest motorsport!
A need for power and speed is a desire dating back to the chariot races of ancient Rome. It’s a safe bet to say that there is no other sport quite like Truck and Tractor Pulling. The guys and gals that harness these incredibly high-powered machines on the weekends are...

Winter Hiking – Questions From a Newbie
Excited to throw 2020 behind me & crush all the goals in 2021, I signed up for the North Country Trail Hike 100 Challenge. Ambitious, as I’ve only hiked a handful of times in my life, but why not make 2021 my year? I embarked on my first hike in the first few...
Deer Hunter’s Must-Do in Newaygo County
The trees are bare, the air is crisp and the calendar has just flipped to November… In Northern Michigan, that means deer hunters are headed to the woods! If you haven’t tried your luck in the deer woods of Newaygo County, we recommend checking it out. With...

Christmas Season Festivities
I grew up in Newaygo country. My memories of the area are rich odes to the senses. There’s the feeling of the cold river running over my feet in the summer, sunlight on my face as it blinked through the rustling tree branches along the bank. There was the taste of...