Plan Your Biking Adventure

Road Trails
Planning a road biking trek? Newaygo County is a part of the Grand Region Bike Trail. Download the Michigan Department of Transportation trail map to map your trip.
Stories from the Trail

Birthday Hike
Is there even a better way to spend your birthday than trekking through the North Country Trail? I think not. After tackling the stretch from M-20 to Echo Drive, I felt ready to make it all the way to 40th street. My father-in-law even gifted me a decades old...

Advice from a Hiking Trio
Meet Annie Trapp, Linda Trapp, Kathy Broome & pup Novalee, all residents of the White Cloud area. They enjoy hiking the North Country Trail as a trio in their spare time. I caught up with these ladies to ask how this year has been going so far…So far in 2021 they...

Modern Workhorse or Adventure Machine?
Back in the day, if you could have looked in a cowboy's saddlebags, you would have seen a few things that every one of them made sure they had whenever they jumped onto their trusty steed. A good rope, a coffee pot and a few tools were part of every cowboy's gear....

Winter Hiking – Questions From a Newbie
Excited to throw 2020 behind me & crush all the goals in 2021, I signed up for the North Country Trail Hike 100 Challenge. Ambitious, as I’ve only hiked a handful of times in my life, but why not make 2021 my year? I embarked on my first hike in the first few...

Snowshoe Adventure On The Dragon
Being an avid runner from a young age and now a personal trainer, I have spent a lot of time running and hiking over the years. In more recent years, due to my work schedule, I found myself stuck to the convenience of the gym equipment. During the 2020 Quarantine...
Deer Hunter’s Must-Do in Newaygo County
The trees are bare, the air is crisp and the calendar has just flipped to November… In Northern Michigan, that means deer hunters are headed to the woods! If you haven’t tried your luck in the deer woods of Newaygo County, we recommend checking it out. With...
Fall Colors: A Bird’s Eye View
Flying amidst the clouds, high above Newaygo County, Doug Harmon captured Newaygo County's fall beauty perfectly. It's the season, jump in your car and head North! Newaygo County is here to greet you. Grab a bite, even stay the night! Come explore the rivers,...

Sandy Beach Camping
My favorite part of the camping, is waking up early in the morning. When the campground is quiet. I usually get up before the sunrise, to take a quiet stroll around the park.

First Time Hiker
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit, that even growing up next to the Manistee National Forest, literal minutes from the North Country Trail, my first time hiking it was this past winter… in my mid 30’s! While my preferred adventure typically includes a glass of wine on...

Traipsing Through the Winter Woods
I am in love with Newaygo County. We’ve lived here three years now and keep discovering hidden treasures. If you love to be out in nature as my husband and I do, then each season brings new adventures and experiences.I did not think snowshoeing sounded like much...