Find the Perfect Trail for Your Winter Trek

Looped Trails

Enjoy the crisp winter air and the sun glistening on snow as you glide through the wood-lined lanes of Newaygo County. Whether cross-country skiing or snowshoeing, we have the right path for you offering the simplicity of finishing right where you began.
Stories from the Trail

Trail Time & Hot Toddies
Instead of toiling the winter days away, cooped up indoors, why not venture out for some trail time and toddies? Newaygo County is the perfect destination for such an adventure, and we are going to tell you right where to start! Gear up! First….are you going to...

Winter Hiking – Questions From a Newbie
Excited to throw 2020 behind me & crush all the goals in 2021, I signed up for the North Country Trail Hike 100 Challenge. Ambitious, as I’ve only hiked a handful of times in my life, but why not make 2021 my year? I embarked on my first hike in the first few...

Snowshoe Adventure On The Dragon
Being an avid runner from a young age and now a personal trainer, I have spent a lot of time running and hiking over the years. In more recent years, due to my work schedule, I found myself stuck to the convenience of the gym equipment. During the 2020 Quarantine...

Traipsing Through the Winter Woods
I am in love with Newaygo County. We’ve lived here three years now and keep discovering hidden treasures. If you love to be out in nature as my husband and I do, then each season brings new adventures and experiences.I did not think snowshoeing sounded like much...

Winter Wanderings: Newaygo County’s Trails
I first learned to love cross-country skiing during my senior year of high school after befriending a Norwegian exchange student named Ingvar. My first trip out was perfection. A snow day from school and the type of snow globe snow falling through the trees onto us...

A Beginner’s Guide to Snowshoeing Apparel
By Samantha Breza What supplies are needed on a snowshoeing trip depends on where the snowshoer is going and how long they’re going to be there. Snowshoers hiking on mountain trails during the winter need hydration systems, avalanche transceivers, signaling mirrors,...
A Beginner’s Guide to Snowshoes and How to Use Them
By Samantha Breza Want to do something new this winter? Try snowshoeing! Snowshoeing is an easy sport to get into. The equipment is relatively cheap, snowshoers don’t have to register the equipment, or pay annual fees for it. Snowshoers don’t need to take classes or...

Sub 32 Degrees
One might imagine that in an area where the pursuit of outdoor activities consumes its citizenry throughout spring, summer and fall, folks might pull back in a bit in winter. A little hibernation might be I order once the snow rolls in and the waters turn to ice....

Campground Connector
The Campground Connector Trail is a 4.3-mile loop that can take local hikers from the campground through Forest Service lands where it connects with the National Trail and returns to the Campground. The hikers on the North Country Trail can take the Campground...